install uninstall java tru64

aasdo01:/users/TRU64/kit/JAVA/ makinasında java142-3.tar dosyası var. Ordan alabilirsiniz.

Setld –i komutu ile yüklü olan paketleri görüyorsunuz.

Setld –d – paketleri uninstall etmek için

Tar dosyasını açıp aynı dizinde setld –d . ile javayı kuruyorsunuz...(Ekran görüntüleri aşağıda)

aasdo01:/users/TRU64/kit/JAVA/ 79967296 19208978 60390624 25% /mnt

anadolu:/usr/sbin> ls /mnt

Motif2.1.tar java142-3.tar


anadolu:/usr/sbin> setld -i|grep JAVA

JAVA142 installed Java 1.4.2-3 Environment (General Applications)

JAVADEV142 installed Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment(Software Development)

JAVADOC142 installed Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation (Documentation Kit)

OSFEVMJAVADEV540 installed Event Management Development Environment(Software Development)

OSFJAVA540 not installed Java 1.3.1-2 Environment (General Applications)

OSFJAVADEV540 not installed Java 1.3.1-2 Development Environment(Software Development)

OSFJAVADOC540 not installed Java 1.3.1-2 Online Documentation (Supplemental Documentation)

setld: Exiting

anadolu:/usr/sbin> setld -d JAVA142 JAVADEV142 JAVADOC142

Deleting "Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment" (JAVADEV142).

Deleting "Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation" (JAVADOC142).

Deleting "Java 1.4.2-3 Environment" (JAVA142).

anadolu:/usr/sbin> cd /java

anadolu:/java> ls

anadolu:/java> setld -l .

*** Enter subset selections ***

The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically

unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets:

* Java 1.4.2-3 Environment

The subsets listed below are optional:

There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single

screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen

or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will

be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.

- Documentation Kit :

1) Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation

- Software Development :

2) Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment

Or you may choose one of the following options:

3) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets

4) MANDATORY subsets only

5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus

6) EXIT without installing any subsets

Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:2957.1 usr:1699.2 var:8557.5

Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.

Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 2 3

You are installing the following mandatory subsets:

Java 1.4.2-3 Environment

You are installing the following optional subsets:

- Documentation Kit :

Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation

- Software Development :

Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment

Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:2957.1 usr:1607.5 var:8557.5

Is this correct? (y/n): y

Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:

File system space checked OK.

3 subsets will be installed.

Loading subset 1 of 3 ...

Java 1.4.2-3 Environment

Copying from . (disk)


Loading subset 2 of 3 ...

Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation

Copying from . (disk)


Loading subset 3 of 3 ...

Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment

Copying from . (disk)


3 of 3 subsets installed successfully.

Java 1.4.2 is now the default for the system.

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Environment" (JAVA142) on member0

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation" (JAVADOC142) on member0

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment" (JAVADEV142) on member0

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Environment" (JAVA142) on member1

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation" (JAVADOC142) on member1

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment" (JAVADEV142) on member1

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Environment" (JAVA142) on member2

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Online Documentation" (JAVADOC142) on member2

Configuring "Java 1.4.2-3 Development Environment" (JAVADEV142) on member2


anadolu:/usr/sbin> java -version

java version "1.4.2"

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition

Fast VM (build 1.4.2-3, native threads, mixed mode, 03/23/2004-19:27)


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